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Sunday, December 19, 2010

God's in His Heaven, All's Right with the World!

It's been a busy month for me so I haven't had time to post anything lately.  A few days ago while sitting on the patio having dinner with my best friend in the Southlake Town Square, the sky suddenly turned into this incredible, colorful palette.  It literally took my breath away.  I only had my IPhone 4 camera to capture this beautiful sunset, but I think any camera could have captured the amazing colors.  I can't describe it any other way besides 'spiritual'.  The photo speaks for itself....



Saturday, December 4, 2010

D-Day Plus 4

The memories I have of my daddy are few and far between since he passed away when I was only 4 years old.  My memories come from the stories I have been told and from the few mementos I hold dear.  Thanks to Facebook and the opportunity it gives us to hook up with old and new friends, I was able to connect with a dear high school friend, Mike Flores, who is in Iraq as we speak.  He mentioned in one of his posts that flag requests could be made in honor of veterans.  I sent him a note to see if it would be possible to request one in honor/memory of my father.  He replied immediately to get as much information as I could give him regarding my dad's military history, and then he took it upon himself to find out even more than I ever realized was available.  I was amazed at how much information he was able to come up with on my dad's military history.  I have copies of it all.

My favorite story that I always share, is that my daddy was 'D-Day plus 4' which means he was in Normandy 4 days after D-day.  He was an engineer and he was there to build roads and airstrips for the continued invasion of Germany.

Mike sent me a preview of the document that would come with the flag so that I could make sure everything was correct.  Here is the actual certificate.


I was thrilled to find the package on my door step a few days ago.  I had been anxiously waiting for it and had hoped it would be here during Thanksgiving so my sisters could be with me when it arrived.  Mike warned me that mail is very slow coming from that part of the world.


I took the package outside to the back yard since it was such a beautiful day.  I love opening packages, and even though I knew what this was, I was so excited.


I absolutely get chills when I think of how carefully and respectfully this flag was folded by soldiers as it was brought down from the flag pole.  Whoever you are, I thank you! 


As soon as I unwrapped it, I set it up next to my daddy's Army photo. 




I will cherish this forever!