I was in Chicago a couple of weeks ago for the most beautiful wedding ever! The only time I had been here was when my plane was diverted here and I sat on the runway for a couple of hours. It was nice to finally see what everyone has been raving about.
The city is so beautiful and there are so many things to see and do. My time was pretty limited with all the wedding festivities, but I did get to see a few of the highlights. I walked from our hotel to the 'Magnificent Mile' to see all the beautiful shops and snapped a few shots along the way. You know me though,,I'm all about thrift shopping, but I did end up buying some mascara at Neiman's.

I had to stop and watch these magnificent street dancers. So fun and so talented.

The Chicago Art Institute was just a block away from our hotel so we made a very quick run through. I could have easily spent the whole day here, but sadly I only got to breeze through and hit the highlights. Here are couple of my favorites.

We had an awesome dinner at a restaurant on the Navy Pier on Lake Michigan looking toward the skyline of Chicago.

After dinner, we walked along the pier and I insisted on riding the huge Ferris Wheel. Do you know the history of the Ferris Wheel? If not, you need to read 'The Devil in a White City'. There's a lot of history in this book and well worth the read. It's a little creepy in parts because there is a murder that took place during the world expo, but there are a lot of interesting facts you'll enjoy.
We took the architectural boat tour of the city to see all the beautiful buildings. So unusual and very interesting to hear the history of the buildings and the criteria that had to be met to construct them. If you're ever there, I highly recommend this tour.

The wedding rehersal dinner was aboard this incredible yacht that cruised around the lake the entire evening. The weather was absolutely perfect and the city was beautiful. Such an unforgettable evening with dear friends.
A view of the city from the lake.

I would love to go back to Chicago sometime and see the city at a much slower pace.
We're off to Horseshoe Bay for a long Labor Day weekend. I hope to get lots of photos while there. Have a safe weekend.